

Every two months, Wise Women will be hosting an evening with trailblazing women who have made incredible achievements in their field by following their dreams and making it against all odds. The evening will be hosted on the Wise Women Platform and is free to attend.

Upcoming Free Workshops

Meet three fantastic writers and learn what it took to succeed!

Tuesday, 18th March - 18:30 UK Time

In partnership with IFTUK and in celebration of St Patrick’s Day, our March “Making It Happen“ workshop will be with renown, published Irish writers, including Denise Deegan, the Irish novelist & PAGE Award-winning screenwriter who tackles issues of loss and injustice, often through humour, and Maeve Murphy, whose first novella “Christmas At The Cross” was serialised in the Irish Times, which she then adapted to the screen, writing and directing the multi-award winning “St Pancras Sunrise”.

How to Book a Place

Email Emma at:

Previous Workshops

Online Masterclass in Celebration of St Brigid's Day

In Partnership with IFTUK St Brigid's Film Festival, Wise Women enjoyed a packed online masterclass from the Wise Women Platform. Sadly, because of the violent storms in Ireland resulting in no power or water, legendary Casting Director Maureen Hughes was unable to jump on. Producer Edwina Forkin & Global Distribution Expert, Tara Gaule thrilled the participants with their insight into the film & TV industry and their respective roles on TIS THE SEASON TO BE IRISH .

This is what the audience said:

"Thank you so much for sending , it was wonderful! Great to get all of your insight on things. It's a pity Maureen couldn't make - she is the Queen of casting in Ireland and has certainly paved the way for those behind her." - Tracy Coogan

"I really enjoyed the session and Q & A this evening, thanks so much." - Pat Garrett

"Thank you so much for adding me to the event, it was priceless! Amazing women in an amazing industry for sure" - Gillian Fischer

"I very much enjoyed listening to the discussion last night. It was so helpful to get a behind the scenes look at tv & film production." - Jackie Pulford

"Thanks so much for organising the talk last night—it was really insightful, and I took away a lot of valuable information." - Aidan O'Callagan

Edwina Forkin

Carey Fitzgerald

Tara Gaule

VERDIGRIS - A Case Study

On the 18th June in partnership with Irish Film & TV UK and from the Wise Women Platform, Patricia Kelly (writer/producer/director), Geraldine McAlinden (lead actress) & Tania Freimuth (Director of Photography) shared their experiences with Carey Fitzgerald on how they managed to create the multi-award-winning Irish feature film. With 5 IFTA Nominations, 9 Major Festival prizes and 10 Festival selections to date, the audience was thrilled to hear how this ground breaking film is taking the world by storm.
Camera Comp
“What an inspiring story! This workshop was entertaining and enlightening. Congratulations to all involved.”
Siobhan Murphy, Executive P.A.

“Such an interesting evening, it has spurred me on to follow my dream of making my debut film.”
Aoife O’Sullivan, Writer

“I’m a big fan of Irish Film and it was great to hear the process involved in making and marketing an independent film.”
Lynne Raimbault, CEO, Picnics & Vines